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Essential part to the GDPR
The GDPR changes European privacy rules significantly. The introduction of the concepts ‘Privacy by Design’ and ‘Privacy by Default’ are two of these changes. Privacy by Designs holds that organisations need to consider privacy at the initial design stages and throughout the complete development process of new products, processes or services that involve processing personal data. Privacy by default means that when a system or service includes choices for the individual on how much personal data he/she shares with others, the default settings should be the most privacy friendly ones. Although Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default will become new legal requirements under the GDPR, these concepts are not new. Considering privacy from the start of the development process is essential to address privacy successfully.
Increasing efficiency by thinking of privacy in advance Under the current Directive, data controllers already need to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect data against unlawful processing. This, however, leaves room for privacy considerations to be reduced to a mere afterthought in the development process. The GDPR requires organisations to consider privacy at the earliest stage. Privacy must be one of the ingredients of a new product or service, rather than a sauce that is added at the end. This might seem complex, but it is actually easier than applying privacy considerations after a design is fully developed. When you think upfront about what personal data you want to use, for what purpose and how you will do this legitimately, it reduces the chance that you discover at a later stage that embedding privacy is technologically challenging, expensive or even impossible.
The application of Privacy by Design will therefore make the development process more efficient. Knowing what data you want to use, and giving data subjects a choice on how their data is used by applying Privacy by Default, will also make it easier to be transparent those data subjects. And transparency is key when it comes to earning the trust to collect the data in the first place. In other words: applying Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default is simply a good idea. That is why many organisations already have incorporated these concepts in to their development processes.
Embedding privacy in the design process, where to start? In order to embed privacy in the design process several aspects must be taken into consideration.
1. Operate within legal boundaries and be accountable
Under the GDPR organisations will not only be responsible for adhering to privacy principles, they must be able to demonstrate compliance with them too. A privacy strategy is essential to make choices early in the development process regarding how you want to deal with privacy within your new service or product. Assess upfront if the idea can be executed within the relevant legal boundaries. A good instrument for doing this is carrying out a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA). A PIA will help you identify privacy risks within your new design. Don’t forget to keep your PIA findings. This will allow you to demonstrate your rationale behind certain decisions at a later stage.
2. Think of ethics
The ethical aspects of the concept must also be taken into consideration early on. An organisation should determine how transparent it wants to be on its data processing and how much it wants to know about data subjects involved. A helpful questions is: would you use the product or service yourself?
3. Communication is key
Communication towards data subjects is very important to address at the initial design stages and throughout the complete development process. Communication lines must be clear, also when something goes wrong. For data subjects it must be clear where they can turn if they want to know more about the processing of their personal data and how they can exercise their rights.
4. Data security, quality and retirement
And of course it is important to think about adequate security measures, how the quality of data can be guaranteed and what will be done with the data when the product or service retires.
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Shoutcast Online
Shoutcast Hosting / Radio en ligne en une minute.
juste après votre commande, votre serveur est automatiquement créé
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Diffusion en direct à l’aide de l’hébergement de streaming radio SHOUTcast
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Service de streaming. Vous pouvez rapidement et facilement diffuser votre station
dans le monde entier tout en gardant une trace de qui écoute et d’où ils viennent avec Geoip.
Shoutcast est un outil de diffusion sur Internet, généralement utilisé pour
hôte de streaming audio sur un serveur 24/7 online,
une interface Castcontrol permettant de configurer la radio.
Votre radio sera visible dans les annuaire des radios shoutcast (
Le shoutcast directory a un enorme succès avec plus de 86 000 radios dans le monde.
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Creation des serveurs de radio en ligne,
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Pas de frais cachés.
Pas de taxes supplémentaires, prix/mois.
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Mp3 et AAC+ sont transmis sur des serveurs Xeon stables et sécurisés pour une emission SSL.
Shoutcast & Icecast Radio plan d’hébergement en streaming avec panneau de contrôle radio tout option.
Support gratuit en direct sur chat, ou par email.
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Vous serez visible dans le moteur de recherche des webradios de Shoutcast,
ce qui peut attirer plus rapidement du monde sur votre canal.
Flux MP3 et AAC+
La norme audio MPEG Layer 3, plus communément connue sous le nom de mp3,
a été rendue publique pour la première fois en 1993.
En 1997,le format AAC (Advanced Audio
Coding) est apparu, puis AAC + (également appelé HEAAC), finalement remplacé par une version finale appelée HEAACv2.
AAC a été choisi par Apple pour son iPod, iPhone, iPad et iTunes, ainsi que par Sony.
Le codec HEAAC a également été adopté pour la téléphonie mobile 3G et la DTT.
Qu est-ce que streaming ?
Le streaming, qu est-ce que c est exactement ?
En anglais le mot stream signifie flux de données.
Par extension, streaming signifie tout simplement lire un média en direct.
Bien que le terme soit surtout connu en association avec le web,
des formes de streaming existaient bien avant, comme la télévision et la radio.
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