World Stream Faq

"Some topics that concern us"

How it works

Is used for internet radio broadcasting that allows for audio streaming. ShoutCast Hosting can be used by end users or radio stations to bring in audio content for their internet audience. Using simple mp3 technology which is worldwide for their audio delivery, this is an easy format for anyone to use.
Start services starting at just $5.50/month. Free automation platform. Sound correction and processing. Xeon processors. SSL Secure Streaming HTML5 player and scripts .Unlimited plan Listenrs/bandwidth. Enterprise- Servers. DDoS protection.
The directory has a huge success with more than 86,000 radios worldwide. YP Public Server* to publish this stream to YP Your radio will be visible in the directories.

Control Panel

Complete Radio Hosting Control Panel, is the most advanced radio control panel, To provide radio services. Comes with panel interfaces, Live broacast, DJPanel and provides SSL for all radio systems, supported by MP3, AAC+, WHMCS, AWBS, Blesta.
Hosting Control the most advanced radio hosting control panel, To provide radio hosting services. Comes with panel interfaces, clients, DJPanel and provides SSL for all radio systems, supported by WHMCS, AWBS, Blesta.
The Panel can detect when a remote source (live dj) has connected and will automatically switch from auto dj to the live broadcast. When the dj is finished, all he/she must do is disconnect, Sonic Panel will detect the live source has dis-connected and go back to the auto dj until the next dj connects You can Stream your DJ live mix on VirtualDJ 100% Compatible with Shoutcast & Icecast

The ultimate radio player -Hero-

The ultimate radio player with ShoutCast, IceCast support:
It supports Shoutcast and Icecast radio streaming. The radio stream should be MP3 type. It will also play AAC streams, Only Radio Stream Needed - Just add the radio stream and the player will get the current playing song and artist photo. Responsive Design - The radio player can be used in websites which are responsive. Optional parameter to disable responsive behavior in order to integrate it in non-responsive websites.
It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems. Artist Image - The player will display the photo of the current playing singer, if it is present in the database. Highly Customizable - You can choose from the 2 available skins: back & white. Also, from parameters you can create any color scheme, having the possibility to integrate it in any design.
Parameter to set the radio player in sticky version. Additional parameter to only show the play button. History - It will automatically get the history for ShoutCast streams. For IceCast streams it will generate the history as the radio plays. Show/Hide History - Button to show or hide the history. Also option to start the player with the history hidden. Share - You can share the radio player on Facebook and Twitter. Parameters to customize the share title and description. Multiple Instances - You can insert multiple radio players on your website or on the same page (maximum 2 on the same page). Only one can be set as 'sticky'. Show/Hide Buttons - You can set as visible or set as hidden: playlist, volume, share buttons Multiple Parameters - Over 30 options from where you can customize your player, including: width, autoplay, colors and playlist cover.


Right after your command your server is automatically created and you receive within a minute your login parameters to the control panel.
Subscriptions are monthly 28-31 days, the first month is without commitment, after this period we will offer you a subscription.
the first month is without commitment, the monthly subscription is granted for a month duration of (28-31) days . This monthly subscription will be tacitly renewed upon its expiry for the same duration – a notification will be sent to You by stream-music for this purpose. You may terminate this subscription and prevent tacit renewal by sending a notification by e-mail at the address support@World at least seven (7) days before the expiry of Your monthly subscription.


In your account you can consult your information, your orders made and your invoices. When you register we only store the minimum amount of information, and we do not resell it to a third party..
Just after your registration you will be able to test a restricted server during a période of one month.


The GDPR changes European privacy rules significantly. The introduction of the concepts ‘Privacy by Design’ and ‘Privacy by Default’ are two of these changes. Privacy by Designs holds that organisations need to consider privacy at the initial design stages and throughout the complete development process of new products, processes or services that involve processing personal data. Privacy by default means that when a system or service includes choices for the individual on how much personal data he/she shares with others, the default settings should be the most privacy friendly ones. Although Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default will become new legal requirements under the GDPR, these concepts are not new. Considering privacy from the start of the development process is essential to address privacy successfully.
Increasing efficiency by thinking of privacy in advance Under the current Directive, data controllers already need to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect data against unlawful processing. This, however, leaves room for privacy considerations to be reduced to a mere afterthought in the development process. The GDPR requires organisations to consider privacy at the earliest stage. Privacy must be one of the ingredients of a new product or service, rather than a sauce that is added at the end. This might seem complex, but it is actually easier than applying privacy considerations after a design is fully developed. When you think upfront about what personal data you want to use, for what purpose and how you will do this legitimately, it reduces the chance that you discover at a later stage that embedding privacy is technologically challenging, expensive or even impossible.
Under the GDPR organisations will not only be responsible for adhering to privacy principles, they must be able to demonstrate compliance with them too. A privacy strategy is essential to make choices early in the development process regarding how you want to deal with privacy within your new service or product. Assess upfront if the idea can be executed within the relevant legal boundaries. A good instrument for doing this is carrying out a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA). A PIA will help you identify privacy risks within your new design. Don’t forget to keep your PIA findings. This will allow you to demonstrate your rationale behind certain decisions at a later stage.
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